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PA system at SJP
Views: 34081
After last night's fiasco something has to be said loudly and clearly - the PA system at SJP is a disgrace and a complete embarrassment for a club at Step 3. It is barely worth the effort of Bryan or whoever is in the announcer's seat to attempt to read out the teams.
But it goes further than that. What happens if we have an incident such as the one at Gosport last season where a match official pulls up lame and there has to be a call for a suitably qualified person to help out? What happens if there is a serious medical emergency in the ground and there has to be a call for a suitably qualified person to help out?
This is potentially a major safety issue. Have the powers that be at SJP considered this? If so, what are they planning to do about it?
Edited by Dessie at 10:06:42 on 27th September 2023
Re: PA system at SJP
Views: 36336
@jubileesilver tweeted on Monday there was an FA ground grading inspection at SJP this week
1.12 of the FA guidance says the public address system must be clearly audible in all areas of the ground occupied by spectators so it may get picked up as part of that process…that said my hearing is awful so I wouldn’t hear the line ups in any event 😆😆
Previous thread: Mike Hogan by Doug7/5/2023 09:23Sun May 7 09:23:32 2023view thread