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Gosport Post Match Chat - Part 1
Views: 13161
Hope your all sitting comfortably. Lee's been on the dog to the Met. I would have paid money to listen to that one!
My full summary coming up and why I, myself, keep talking about the Rozzers!
Right, here goes, I've actually prepared this, unlike my random stuff!
I maintain consistently over time the Met under Coops and the present lad have been, identity wise the most stable. I maintain they are the Dutch 1970's equivalent of total football at this level - minus the modern day craze of closing down in packs, (intensity, I believe is the word most used). I would also go as far as saying that in recent times Connor Calcutt and Joe White have both been broadly similar to the lad Mazzone. Interesting to see how they develop without him, the home game gave me the impression they can incorporate a contrast as their style behind remains intact.
The one key component for me from the Met in service to Mazzone is how the midfield operate. It's a bit Ajax 1970's for me and Mazzone's former strike pal was the Rob Rensenbrink key. Not a great play-maker but I never saw him loso possession. A trait of their midfield. For me their key is their movement. All the players are constantly on look-out for space. Passing options are multiplied. Then the key pass fed through and the inevitable outcome. Set-pieces, not complicated. Corners dropped under the bar or on the money with an ensuing en-masse. Simplistic. I think what makes the Met continual challengers is that new players can slot in. Traditional aspects from the right and left backs makes life easier. Hendon have had to re-build from scratch. The Met have maintained continuity.
I know if Paul Butler is reading this he would advocate finishing above/below Harrow is a guide for a successful season - My benchmark is the Met. Finish top dog in London, above them. I think you are in the mix. Onto Hendon...
Re: Gosport Post Match Chat - Part 2
Views: 16805
It's early days in the Lee Allinson era and given the fact this is his first full season, I think overall we are shaping up vrey nicely indeed. Notwithstanding, I have issues and many go back to us joining the Southern. Honestly, with Joe in mind,
I don't think we can fully replicate the Met model. I don't think we can implement the same degree of movement.
I do believe, as my chosen benchmark, we can take aspects from them.
I've always maintained going 3 up top is only as plausible as those chosen for the role. Gary's second play-off side, well that threesome would probably decimate most sides in this division. I have a caveat with that. That was an injury-free season. FWIW, I believe defensively we are struggling somwhat generally in this regard. I think are fowards tend to press to high and can leave our right and left backs exposed. The good sides in this division from Weymouth to Hayes probe for weakness and once found usually score more than one identical goal from these positions.
So, I do think our passing game needs work. The loss of just one component - let alone several can be harsh irrespective of depth of personnel. I do think we need a plan B for certain types.
Personally, I am a staunch advocate of the lad in Tommy Brewer role. I equally maintain should the chosen one in that position not possess the same qualities a whole different approach is applicable rather than trying to compensate.
In the present climate, knowing just how difficult this role can be to fill, I would not mind in this mode to try and go without. I think this may give our midfield more time to breathe and to fully utilise their credentials in a constructive mode. Things like linking up and winning headers!
I have major issues at SJP with regards to how we have continually let oppositions in around the hour mark. Teams playing with a high line have overran us and a large component of games have swung in the favour of the oppositions at around this time. Goals conceded in this 15min period in games where we have actually scored first has been continually evident.
A criticism I made of Gary's sides, more of a sideways swipe, was disappointment at our performances on big away days at higher graded clubs. Never outplayed, but equally not convinced of victory, I do think these games can be won by having a more rounded style. I look how others come to SJP and pass neat triangles, or their backs cross as soon as crossing the halfway line for a target man. I do think we need to bring in other aspects just for game management purposes.
I think Lee is putting in a very solid foundation. There are some things for that need ironing out. Time should serve the lad well. The lad's a winner.
Previous thread: Thoughts... by rwakeley2/2/2022 13:55Wed Feb 2 13:55:26 2022view thread