Newest article: Questioning Attendance Stagnation by NHayes17/2 16:40Mon Feb 17 16:40:42 2025view thread
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Next thread: Health Matters by Deadman22/3/2020 12:37Sun Mar 22 12:37:47 2020view thread
Views: 2489
Right or wrong. Government seemed to say no need to cancel outside events. National league seems to be going ahead Cheltenham raced yet Southern league with way less crowds than either of the above have postponed for 2 weeks.
Re: Postponements
Views: 28163
The Cheltenham Festival had already be going since Tuesday, before the Government's advice given yesterday.
The FA, in its wisdom (?), decided that all leagues in the National League System (steps 1-6, we're at step 3) should make their own decisions about continuing to play or postponing matches. Obviously if a club is affected by coronavirus, or has players and/or staff self-isolating, then their matches will not go ahead.
The National League (steps 1 and 2) decided that tomorrow's matches could go ahead, and that the League will review the position on Monday regarding future matches.
The Southern League postponed all matches for 9 days including today - not 2 weeks - with a review of the situation next Friday, 20th March. At present, all matches scheduled for Sunday 22nd March or later can go ahead, though this may change.
The Isthmian League postponed matches up to and including Friday 20th March. At present the programme for Saturday 21st March can go ahead.
The Hellenic League (steps 5 and 6, with much smaller gates than the Southern in most cases) have postponed all matches due to be played in March, the same is true, I believe, of the Spartan South Midland League, which is also at steps 5 and 6.
There will be no football in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland at all until further notice. Even matches due to be played on park pitches with a crowd of, say,3 men and a dog are postponed.
In addition, the England two-match Test series in Sri Lanks has been postponed until a future unspecified date, even though Sri Lanka has a total of just three confirmed cases of Coronavirus. The ECB want the England players and staff to get home as soon as possible..
Edited by ChrisHFC at 21:48:43 on 13th March 2020
Re: Postponements
Views: 2429
The Maccabi Masters Football League has not postponed games yet and so, as things stand, my game will be going ahead as planned tomorrow morning.
Then again, the way I play, it's not exactly football!
Re: Postponements
Views: 2392
The Essex Senior League called off three fixtures yesterday (Friday) morning when players at three clubs reported they were self-isolating or exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms. By the evening two more clubs said they had players in the same situation, so two more matches were off. Sadly, today, the last three scheduled matches were also called off and those affected clubs’ midweek games have already been called off.
There has been an awful lot of comment on the prevarication by various sports’ governing bodies and the Government, most laughably the situation last weekend with the Saracens player released from the England squad because he had travelled through Hong Kong after compassionate leave in the South Pacific. The Government’s advice at the time did not require self-isolation or quarantine, so Saracens played him at the weekend, pointing out that they were following that advice.
This is a very disturbing situation, unlike any we have encountered in peacetime. There have been specific event or sport mass postponements – Diana Princess of Wales’s funeral, foot and mouth epidemics, etc – but this goes way beyond this. Who knows, in three or four weeks time, we might be able tor resume matches; alternatively, this season will end with uncompleted fixtures.
Previous thread: Bobby Ellison by The Ancient One14/3/2020 14:39Sat Mar 14 14:39:27 2020view thread