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By rwakeley14/12/2019 15:59Sat Dec 14 15:59:34 2019

Views: 2381

Something struck me about last week, so this week, having time to kill, thought I would go all in.
Everyone was hugely complimentary of the lads post Merthyr, I have an issue carried over since joining the Southern and last week brought the issue to the fore-front again. Performance wise, no problem, thought first half we carried a threat down the left, thought they played with a very high line early doors and has their away record is average at best it answers a lot from their perspective. Personally, I thought they were all-round more efficient last season. Key difference for me - A 2 goal lead. Last season, I bashed on about the significance of the first goal. The stand-out stats in this league for me. I wanted a look to date this season.
187 league games this season, (excl 0-0's). An incredible 122 games of these, the team scoring first has gone onto win. Hendon from day one are the one's outside the Venn Diagram. Even recently, Hayes away, B&F away, Tivvie, games we've been in front in - resulted in losing points. Last season, we lost numerous games 1-3, (never a flattering scoreline in my head), having taken the lead. Last Saturday, was pivotal for me in as we got that 2 goal cushion. I'm hoping as we are starting to see more positive passages of play we can really start to impose some genuine dominance over these sides.

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Re: Thoughts - What the Dickens!

By rwakeley19/12/2019 12:16Thu Dec 19 12:16:12 2019In response to ThoughtsTop of thread

Views: 16682

Sitting here having just signed off a Leccy Bill got me thinking!
Ghost of Christmas Present. Saturday. First time in living memory where I intend to head South with some genuine conviction and hope of a victory. I'm convinced we are more Scrooge like at the back and they appear to be short on fire-power up-front. The ideal game for us to cement our credentials and make a statement. I do think this game is actually quite important for the team. The Honeymoon period is over, it's time to get established and push on. A chance to really turn on the charm. I want to see these lads take this lot to the cleaners. I think we need it to galvanize us at this stage. Whatever manifests, it's going to an improvement on last season's encounter.
The Ghost of Christmas Past - Harrow! Back to Scrooge. No trains for me Boxing Day! Bah Humbug! We can't possibly let in four or five this time round - Can we? If we do, Christmas is cancelled!
Christmas Yet to Come. Chesham. I find that crew rather interesting. I perceive them as a half Ryman, half Southern combo. Physically strong, hard to break down.
The chance of putting a little un-beaten run together. Nice break in-between. I maintain these seasonal games are a tad un-predictable by nature. This year we need set some realistic targets. Not so much Great Expectations, more obtainable. A test of our resilience. I think it's what's required right now.
The final Dickens reference. "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times" - The lad seemed confused! Which was it! No in-decision here - 3 points Saturday.

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Previous thread: Brilliant win by embee7/12/2019 17:16Sat Dec 7 17:16:24 2019view thread