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2019-20 Fixtures
Views: 2697
BetVictor Southern league fixtures will be released at 10 am tomorrow (Friday 12th).
This will be followed by the FA Cup and FA Trophy draws later on in the afternoon.
Edit: Twiitter is now back up and running and @HendonFC has already announced this.
Edited by Warwickshire Dons at 21:01:51 on 11th July 2019
Re: 2019-20 Fixtures
Views: 45550
The highlights of the fixture list will be posted at 10am sharp, we'll then work to get the full listing on the site as soon after as possible :)
Re: 2019-20 Fixtures
Views: 2411
What a shame Truro is on an FA cup weekend. Makes booking transport in advance difficult.
Re: 2019-20 Fixtures
Views: 2386
Talking of Truro, I've been looking at the odds. Salisbury top the list at 7/1. One lad over, on I the Poole forum, if my memory serves me correct states the odds reflect last years table. I have a slightly different take. I maintain my stance that teams are split between the strong physical sides and the smaller tenacious midfield short-passing types that traditionally cause us so much trouble. And that's my quandry. As for Truro on the pitch - recent write-up in the Exeter rag, following a recent PSF clash states:- "However, they, (Exeter), had to withstand a physical boombardment at times from the White Tigers as they hit the ball long to their tall striker at every opportunity" - I'm guessing which camp they slot into. 16/1 looks interesting. I reckon this league could settle down and start to split between those sides with an appropriate identity.
As for us, early doors, on paper, I think we have a pretty challenging start. That Met game straight up - pretty compelling. Already focusing thoughts on a potential different front line from us and them for that one. I also think more sides this season will be genuine candidates and generally all-round stronger as they things take hold. Enjoy.
Previous thread: Replica Shirts by Don of Caddington3/7/2019 15:18Wed Jul 3 15:18:27 2019view thread