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Dial M For Merthyr

By rwakeley29/11/2018 11:18Thu Nov 29 11:18:50 2018

Views: 2860

I've been looking at our midfield combo. Looking specifically at No's 7&8. If we agree that things started to go downhill at Sailsbury the midfield duo's reveal something. Prior to that in all games except Frome and Lancing, (home), Stephane had been the constant occupant accomodated by A.N.Other - for the greater part the lad Dombaxe. Since that game, he has failed to appear.
In the games since, combinations consisting of no less that 7 players have participated in 8 matches, granted on the back of some re-shuffles at the back. Another factor, individual errors. These's been some real George Graham 'cavalier' stuff. How much correlation between trying to find the best positions for players, let alone their own abilities and performance is open to debate. I would hold fire until the back line have been in situe before really drawing conclusions.
Periodically, I make a Mercury in Retrograde reference. Things appear to be going backwards when they actually aren't. Joking aside, I think this could actually in this instance prove to be an unwelcome hindrance, but equally we may come out of it stronger. Retrograde blows over Saturday night for the Russell Grant's out there!
Personally, I think there's an equal chance we may resolve our midfield quandries. Characteristcally, I think we may end up needing more Southern League style occupants, more than Ryman style equivilents - time will tell. Possibly our toughest test to date - let's go.

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Re: Dial M For Merthyr

By The Ancient One29/11/2018 16:20Thu Nov 29 16:20:21 2018In response to Dial M For MerthyrTop of thread

Views: 2747

Laste Dombaxe is no longer on the clubs books. Moved on some weeks ago.

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Re: Dial M For Merthyr

By Middlesex Wanderer29/11/2018 14:18Thu Nov 29 14:18:44 2018In response to Dial M For MerthyrTop of thread

Views: 2708

Interested that you think there is a noticeable difference between "Southern League style occupants & Ryman style equivilents". Surely it is really players that can adapt to producing a performance on an artificial pitch & those that struggle.
The difference between a game on the surfaces is far more noticable than any difference between the two leagues.

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My overall perception

By rwakeley29/11/2018 18:29Thu Nov 29 18:29:51 2018In response to Re: Dial M For MerthyrTop of thread

Views: 2707

This could be the longest post ever - may role over. For fun sakes. For what it is worth, I agree with the first point - a slightly different take on the latter.
I have a footballing notion, difficult to explain, going to try. The remit:- What would it take to get Hendon promoted? Playing wise, I do personally believe there is a cultural difference in the leagues. The top sides in this division, physically robust, ariel onslaughts - we've done well, drawing at Taunton and Tiverton. The majority of sides, depend on less overall quality, in my opinion, than the Ryman, and adhere to more tenacious qualities. Debates rage on as to where this Hendon side would be now if back in the Ryman in terms of quality and league position? Games at Hartney and Swindon prime case studies as others have eluded to, could have gone either way. As for the playing surface, personally I do think once established teams in a lot of cases do appear to have benefited. Worthing and Slough spring to mind. Interesting from a Southern League standpoint to see how Basingstoke evolve once re-located next season. I think Hendon have benefited footballing wise moving to SJP in terms of enhancing a fluidity in style.
In terms of difference between the leagues. I think your probably correct and I maybe over indulging myself, but I may as well get this out there...

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Re: My overall perception - part 2

By rwakeley29/11/2018 18:39Thu Nov 29 18:39:50 2018In response to My overall perceptionTop of thread

Views: 10420

If you've not gone to sleep yet...
I keep going back to the best non-league side I have ever seen. Gola league Enfield - a blend of brute force and finese. If Paul Butler is reading this, yes, I know it's not the same club. To me it is, at least from a footballing standpoint. When-ever I go there - I can still equate to that Gola league crew. I thought that side was the first semblance of transition from NPL dominance to Southern hostile take-over. And the pitches they played on! I'm not sure Hendon or any 'London' side can easily construct a similar side to those 'coastal' counterparts based on physicallity. For me that Enfield side was the aspiration of that electic mix with regards to Ryman land. I do personally think it differs in the Southern environment. I took solace in Slough last season. Template as a club, similar profile, even this season average age around mid-twenties, adding experience as required. I would compare Slough comparably to someone akin to Margate last season. Perhaps, generally falling short. In a boxing contest, as in the major cup competitions more Ryman sides do better, with only the top four or so in the Southern making in-roads. I think the differences maybe suttle and other external factors maybe up for debate. This Southern league reminds me of the NPL around APL formulation when the North dominated league and FAT.

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Re: My overall perception - part 3

By rwakeley29/11/2018 18:47Thu Nov 29 18:47:36 2018In response to Re: My overall perception - part 2Top of thread

Views: 2660

Thinking back to our mini-group of death last season with Slough and Margate, despite winning I did think we were probably the one's outside the venn diagram. Shows what an achievement it was. Maybe the surfaces played into our hands a tad? Whilst I'm in this mode of complete insanity.. For the record, a recent poster cited 'patterns' fully believe in that, indentifying them, taking action. I also maintain the history book repeats itself, based on another theory that most sides do maintain throughout time an identity. Furthermore, I then believe someone else comes along and takes hold in Enfield's case Barry Fry at Barnet. Which brings me onto theories with regards to regionalisation, bigger wages, crowds ext. I would throw in New Towns and conurbations playing a part. And the cycle is complete.
Well that's my non-league theory - time for my tablet!

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Re: My overall perception - part 4

By rwakeley29/11/2018 20:16Thu Nov 29 20:16:40 2018In response to Re: My overall perception - part 3Top of thread

Views: 2603

Wow! I'm really bored today - Whilst having made a loon of myself on here - just for completion purposes, my characteristical prognosis is re-iterated by the fact I consider the likes of Tonbridge & Margate, Southern League sides - they always were! Hendon & Harrow some Athenian, London types. I also believe both forementioned leagues would benefit from those clubs switching around.

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Re: My overall perception - part 4

By embee29/11/2018 21:08Thu Nov 29 21:08:56 2018In response to Re: My overall perception - part 4Top of thread

Views: 2708

Margate to Merthyr sounds quite an away day!

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Previous thread: gosport by Rainham don24/11/2018 01:09Sat Nov 24 01:09:52 2018view thread