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What a night in Leatherhead!

By jimsredwhiteandgreen26/4/2018 19:56Thu Apr 26 19:56:19 2018

Views: 2717

Well, what can I say. If anyone said football is dead, they would need to be given highlights of yesterday's game. Never seen so many hendon fans pacing up and down in the second half, including me.

Our late winner caused celebrations behind the goal that I would love to be part of at least 5 times a season! We rallied together and we really got behind the team. For my sins, I will miss the play off semi final as I will be in Madrid watching arsenal so I'm relying on others to help Matt and co. raise the roof.

My cheeks and throat are still hurting today after blowing that horn when needed. It's been an absolute pleasure to be part of this journey and if we continue to get behind the team I could be back for a bank holiday special. A very special night for all involved.

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Re: What a night in Leatherhead! Murphy's goal

By johnnybaker26/4/2018 21:28Thu Apr 26 21:28:21 2018In response to What a night in Leatherhead!Top of thread

Views: 2863

Found this - and listen to the roar!

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By rwakeley27/4/2018 12:45Fri Apr 27 12:45:26 2018In response to Re: What a night in Leatherhead! Murphy's goalTop of thread

Views: 2438

I'm not into Sports Science mumbo-jumbo. Clearly the Gaffer is on the same page. In keeping with scandals though-out time, Contragate, Watergate and the like we could be at the start of a major new sports trend.
Shankly would feed his youngsters with prime rib beef to toughen them up. That went out with 'Horsegate'
Then Wenger showed the way. That went out presumably in 'Pastagate'. See where I'm going with this?
Be warned, I've heard the Chippy in Leiston shuts just early doors so you get in early.
Gaffer summed everything up post-match formalities. Possible home draw. I love the mentality surrounding this group. The energy, it's tangible. These lads have also got some guts. Fighting for eachother. It's energized the terraces.
Quick shout-out to Murphs. Outstanding physical effort. 'Back-post Hammond' marshalled Midson. Brilliant intervention in the previous attack, ironically just before he scored. The corners, thoughts of potential Dulwich in-coming. I thought we coped exceptionally well.
Interview disclosure on contracted players - good to know - solid foundation. Constant rumour mill on that situation. The lad Bray sauntered of the field as if he'd just gone for a walk with his dog. He's going to be a star.
Brilliant couple of games - taken command. Alongside him Arthur tidying up. Quite a partnership.
The bringing on of Uchechi, I thought was vital. An outlet, participated in the play leading to the goal.
On the fan front, 'Newcastle' was there again. Nicest bloke you'll ever meet. Clearly wired differently. Then the Scottish lads are due down. What an undertaking that is.
Leiston, home record be damned.

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Previous thread: Coach to Leiston by jimsredwhiteandgreen23/4/2018 07:00Mon Apr 23 07:00:25 2018view thread