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Upcoming Live Commentaries

By John Rogers13/4/2018 08:44Fri Apr 13 08:44:13 2018

Views: 2503


With the run in approaching its climax, I will be aiming to provide commentary via the Pundit Sports app for the following games:

A v Kingstonian (tomorrow)
N v Staines (MSC Final)
A v Leison (28th April)

Unfortunately, other commitments preclude me from getting to the Merstham home game or Leatherhead away, however should we make it, I will be aiming to be at any play-off matches as well so will cover those for anyone that is unable to make any / all dates but wishes to be serenaded in the most monotonous way imaginable :)

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Re: Upcoming Live Commentaries

By John Rogers13/4/2018 09:00Fri Apr 13 09:00:36 2018In response to Upcoming Live CommentariesTop of thread

Views: 2800

Further to the above, I'd really appreciate it if people who have used the service so far this season might be able to drop me some feedback by email.

I'd be interested to know what the quality of the software has been like - has it been stable or does it often drop out?

Is the commentary itself any good? What would you like more of / less of?

Please let me know on

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Previous thread: Lowestoft this midweek by ChrisHFC12/4/2018 21:56Thu Apr 12 21:56:14 2018view thread