Newest article: Fund our Future plea by johnnybaker26/4/2024 16:10Fri Apr 26 16:10:49 2024view thread
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forum issues on tablets and phones
Views: 2992
One point I did raise before which I hope can be looked at is that supporters are unable to start a new message on a tablet or on phones. As some only have access to these 2 devices only, they are missing out!
I have resulted to my work computer to send these. Much appreciated if this problem could be looked at in order to increase forum discussions and conversations between all.
Re: forum issues on tablets and phones
Views: 2955
There should now be a search button on the right and a menu button on the left on smaller screens - click the menu icon and that'll give you all the options you're used to on a PC.
Re: forum issues on tablets and phones
Views: 2606
Excellent work Phil. I've just posted a new article from my phone, so no excuses from any on here now. Let's get posting and create a real forum family.
Re: forum issues on tablets and phones
Views: 2918
I wasn't aware of this issue, which shows how often I post stuff from my phone (I can post with no problems from my iPad).
Regretfully, this one is out of our control but I'll raise it with the guys at FootballWebPages who provide the forum for us and see if it's something they are aware of, and also if its something they can fix.
Thanks for flagging it up.
Re: forum issues on tablets and phones
Views: 2929
Actually, I think it's my skin that's done it. There's a tiny one pixel button somewhere from memory - sorry Jim, i did take a look when you originally raised it and then forgot to actually fix. Will see if I can do tonight or sometime tomorrow :)
Previous thread: Saturday v Mertsham by grippers going to get you18/4/2018 23:48Wed Apr 18 23:48:25 2018view thread