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Live Commentary Tonight
Views: 3128
We will once again be offering Live Commentary this evening from Donkey Lane of the game with Enfield Town, with coverage beginning at around 7.43pm.
The app can be found at this link - and downloaded free of charge.
You will need to log-in (currently only available via Facebook, although other options will soon be availabie), find our match in the Bostik League section and simply click "listen". If you do not currently have a Facebook account, creating one is a simple and quick process.
I think there was a problem with people using the app on Android phones last week - the guys at Pundit Sports think they have managed to fix the bug so all should be good to go.
As ever, please let us have your feedback and we are still looking for people that might be interested in taking on some commentary gigs throughout the season so that we can offer coverage of as many matches as possible.
Views: 3070
I may be running late due to something that has come up just now - I will update here later.
Post Enfield Conclusions (if any)
Views: 3189
Effectively a quarter of the campaign gone already. The table doesn't lie, it's a very promising start. Arguably the most dangerous squad in years. I have concerns with regards to dependency on one or two players, but that's a given everywhere. Some dichotomy, results wise, home versus away. I wouldn't draw any conclusions on that. More SJP becoming the proverbial fortress.
I presume we were unlucky tonight - conclusions can vary again. We all know how effective we are there as a guideline. We do get overrun. How good are Enfield? What's the lessons learnt from tonight?
As for Saturday, Yikes. That's a definitive conclusion. We've been to the likes of Maidstone and produced something special. I like watching Tonbridge. He doesn't like wingers! I think he's trying to produce the almost perfect set-up. From a fan perspective, I admire his stance. Why he feels it necessary to go on the fans forum and debate is frankly beyond me.
Back on Hendon, our shortfall maybe the loss of Casey, (a bit of steel) in the middle. That maybe the take-away, so it's an A+ from me to date. There's going to be some bumps in the road.
Keep at it.
Re: Post Enfield Conclusions (if any)
Views: 3115
In short, they nicked an earlyish goal and then defended superbly and were very tough to break down. We had plenty of possession, but chances were at a premium as the Enfield midfield and defence were always there in numbers. As with our other defeats, I have no complaints about the effort or workrate - things just didn't happen tonight.
On to Billericay
Re: Post Enfield Conclusions (if any)
Views: 3117
Agree with Steve - on another night (arguably with more shooting practice), it could have been a relatively comfortable victory. They defended extremely well and we didn't experience much good fortune - could have easily had a penalty near the death as an Enfield defender virtually dragged a shirt off one of our players in the box, but alas was not to be.
My main gripe was having to pay £2 for a Bovril.
Re: Post Enfield Conclusions (if any)
Views: 2999
Agree with all of the above. This was light years away from previous very poor league visits. The match was on a knife edge throughout. I expect Enfield Town were greatly relieved to hear the final whistle. Joe Wright had a faultless evening, including some smart first half saves. I was especially impressed by his powerful distribution.
Perhaps we lacked that final cutting edge in the second half, but overall the game was excellent entertainment with Hendon attacking at pace, only to run up against an excellent defence.
Views: 3028
Not my best work - who cares! Tongue in cheek (upper right)
Ode to Billericay!
Upon arrival last season I stopped off at a pub called The Rising Sun
Since then we've all been subjected to the clubs antics in 'The Current Bun'
The pub has apparently been shut down, so now it's a pint in The Railway
For the sake of Billericay Town FC, I hope things don't end the same way
When you arrive, before you even start to look around
You have to pay a bloody fiver to park at their ground
Then to get in you have to purchase a ticket up-front
Struggling with the last line, blah, blah, something, publicity stunt...(I have a different un-printable line)
Someone's splashed some paint on a wall forming a type of fresco
Thought bubbles emanating from the owners head depicting a deluded manifesto
Part of it apparently shows the Chairman in bed with his missus
Why not? He's only thinking football instead of hugs and kisses!
We all know you don't treat your woman like she's a complete bitch
Maybe he's right and we could do with Cheerleaders on the pitch
I know what your thinking, What if Alex and I dressed up like a couple of tarts?
Short skirts, pom poms, texting the players, then becoming their sweethearts
Of course, I have no beef with Mr Tamplin and this is all tongue in cheek
I wish Billericay all the best as with any club, just not on this particular week
Those fans of whom (like me) poke fun are naturally accused of jealousy
Maybe, but we follow clubs where actual survival underpins our mentality
So when did we last turn up at an away ground and see a parked Ferrarri?
Entering the home dressing room must be akin to going on a Sarfari
Destroying R Kelly's "The Worlds Greatest" as a pre-match song and dance
Singing "I'm a lion down in the jungle" I'd bust out laughing and wet my pants!
Who knew Essex girls would be attracted to ex-Premier League stars
The Chairman has recently set the tone by customising his own cars
Last time I highlighted the toilets as a taste of things to come
Wouldn't it be bloody marvellous if we went there on Saturday AND actually won!
We can do this!
Edited by rwakeley at 18:54:07 on 5th October 2017
Previous thread: Thank you Elliott by David B3/10/2017 15:23Tue Oct 3 15:23:55 2017view thread