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Folkestone - DD Day!

By PF8/4/2017 12:29Sat Apr 8 12:29:16 2017

Views: 3276

One D stands for Do and the other stands for Die. Yes it's do or die today. Losing today is not really an option. Ok we can lose and win the next three and stay up theoretically but if you think that's gonna happen you're living in La La Land with Emma Stone!

Anyway we go to Folkestone today looking for all three points but my thinking is that if we can escape with a draw it's not a complete disaster either. Their last 6 fixtures have brought 2 wins a draw and 3 losses. Both those wins came at home which leads me to believe that they are more at home at home if you pardon the expression. What gives me some hope is that their wins to draws and losses pattern shows a team that can't string two wins together. They'll win a game then go three or four without winning before winning again. They won their last game at home to Met Police so if the pattern rings true then they are not going to win today he says completely hopefully!

For them, this is a great chance to banish relegation once and for all. I had a quick look on their forum and their fans are pretty upbeat although they are very wary of what we can do as well having got 7 wins away from home this season. They realise that we are coming there just as desperate for the three points as they are. I don't believe they are underestimating us any more like a few teams did this season.

I hope our desperation for the points doesn't boil over into petty on pitch squabbles as it sometimes tends to. The first goal in this match is going to be crucial. Whoever gets it will have a big foothold from which to build a result. I half expect us to go behind in this match but with cool heads and a steely determination we can get back and possibly nick this game which would be a superb result. But it's gonna be hellishly difficult. No way on earth are we gonna slaughter them like the Sudbury game.

I hope the team does itself justice on the day and brings a point back to SJP at the minimum to give us a fighting chance in the last three games. I still have this feeling that we'll somehow still have a chance of staying up by winning the last match at home to Staines. We just have to keep it alive till then.... any how any way! Come on you Greens! :-)

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Re: Folkestone - DD Day!

By PF8/4/2017 16:06Sat Apr 8 16:06:05 2017In response to Folkestone - DD Day!Top of thread

Views: 3196

One down latish first half. I suspected we'd go behind and so it came about. It's a massive second half for us now. A big effort needed by all to get something at least. Maybe throw a few subs on and give it a go. No point losing 1-0 Goal difference means jack now. We just need the points or a point even!

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Re: Get in Kezie!

By PF8/4/2017 16:38Sat Apr 8 16:38:04 2017In response to Re: Folkestone - DD Day!Top of thread

Views: 3103

Is there time for a winner to send us into delirium?!

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Re: Marcel!!!!

By PF8/4/2017 16:44Sat Apr 8 16:44:33 2017In response to Re: Get in Kezie!Top of thread

Views: 3177

Just put 10 men on the line. HOLY CRAP!

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Re: Marcel!!!!

By woodsy8/4/2017 17:24Sat Apr 8 17:24:48 2017In response to Re: Marcel!!!!Top of thread

Views: 3148

PF's pre-match vision that we'd "go behind in this match but with cool heads and a steely determination we can get back and possibly nick this game" was uncannily accurate.

Otherwise, I'm a bit worried for PF. Is he(*) getting the support he needs? Not sure if this should be a large bucket of cold water, a cuddle or prescription medication.

Not sure which I need either! After an afternoon following on the net.

Come on guys, we can do this!

(*) Please view as a gender-neutral expression used for convenience

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Re: Marcel!!!!

By PF8/4/2017 17:48Sat Apr 8 17:48:43 2017In response to Re: Marcel!!!!Top of thread

Views: 3084

I am indeed a he. As for those options haha I dunno I'll take the cuddle, then again not sure an all male group hug is acceptable behaviour haha!

I read that game well didn't I? :-p

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We're all a bunch of bloody masochists!

By rwakeley8/4/2017 17:09Sat Apr 8 17:09:57 2017In response to Re: Marcel!!!!Top of thread

Views: 3118

Oxford definition:- A person who enjoys an activity that appears to be painful or tedious!
That answers that - Off to the pub to rediscover some semblance of normalised life. Will be breathing a sigh of relief and toasting everybody down there on the coast.

Seriously, well done - the archetypal outcome in the circumstances, quality and drive getting over the line following earlier absorption. Our quality shone through.
Tremendous effort and commitment by everybody - delighted for everybody down there, not at least the Gaffer.
Still plenty of work to be done - for tonight enjoy it!
Go again!

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Re: We're all a bunch of bloody masochists!

By PF8/4/2017 17:28Sat Apr 8 17:28:12 2017In response to We're all a bunch of bloody masochists!Top of thread

Views: 3101

Masochism might be preferable to this! I'm sure all you who saw that are in complete shock. It seems this battle is really going to the wire. So many teams in trouble now. Gonna have to study the table properly.

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Re: Looking at the table..

By PF9/4/2017 12:44Sun Apr 9 12:44:03 2017In response to Re: We're all a bunch of bloody masochists!Top of thread

Views: 2998

..and the fixtures left for the teams at the bottom and we're no wiser as to who may go down. One thing that's for certain is that Sudbury look doomed now. They got a mauling Saturday and they look dead and buried. Their three remaining fixtures look tough. Tonbridge away, Needham home and Canvey away. The most I can possibly see them getting is one win if that and I doubt they'll get that but if we assume one win that will give them 47 pts or possibly 48 at the very best with another draw. That won't be enough and they are down.

K's are one place above us in the table with a point more but a vastly superior goal difference. Their three fixtures are Leiston H, Merstham A, H&W - H . They got a decent 0-0 yesterday at midtable Worthing who have completely taken their foot off the gas. To me the K's fixtures look tough but the team has a new manager and looks harder to beat in any case. Home to Leiston is going to be a big day for them. Leiston are hot and cold. They look fairly set in the play offs but they still need a couple of wins to be certain of a play off spot. From a Green point of view we need Leiston to be at their very best in this game and at least not to lose to K's. Anything bar a K's win. Their next match away to Merstham is a must win for them and IS winnable. Merstham currently have 5 games left to play and already on 53. They need one more win to be mathematically safe. They'll get it sooner or later but I expect K's to either win or draw that game. For us a draw is obviously better. Their final game is against championship seekers H&W. By then it will be do or die for both sides. I really expect Havant to win that whatever K's try to do. Worst case scenario is that K's will pick up 4 more points and end the season on 52 but I'm hoping that it will be 51 at the most.

Above them and just outside the relegation zone is Leatherhead who lost at Leiston yesterday but only 1-0. They've been in great form before that as we only know too well. How that match could come back to haunt us! Their last three games are home to moneybags 'ricay, Away to Police and Home to Harlow. Ricay fluffed their lines yesterday big time and are now out of the play off picture again but I expect them to still fight for that last berth in the P/O's. Policemen are on 53 points so a point here and there will do them and I think they might even beat the Tanners at home but I expect them to beat Harlow at home in the last fixture. Therefore I expect Leatherhead to be on either 51 or 52 points at most.

Folkestone are on 49 and with their three games left they know they need a win an possibly a draw but a win might be enough. Enfield away is a loss for them, Home to Tonbridge is very hard for them too and they could lose that or scrape a point. Last game is at Grays and they have to win. Maybe Grays can give their supporters something to cheer and take Folkestone down with them! I think Folkestone are in real trouble and could end up getting only 1 more point or at best scrape a win at Grays and 3 more which puts them on either 50 pts or 52, hopefully the former!

Burgess Hill got a massive result on Saturday as our neighbours in Harrow couldn't even muster a point against them. That was really bad for us. If HB had held them to a draw they'd be on 48 too now and right in the S.H.I.T. They now know they need a win from their final three to stay up. Home to Dulwich i expect them to lose. Dulwich are very good away. Worthing away who have been very poor lately is one that I hope they lose but I'm not sure, but maybe Worthing can wake up and they need to for our sake. That leaves them a nervy home encounter with terrible travellers Merstham who will be safe. They must win that game and I expect them to leaving them on 53 and safe.

That only leaves Canvey as outsiders to go down. They are in very decent form in their move away from the bottom reaches of the table. I expect them to scrape through. They have two tough games with H&W and 'ricay but Sudbury home should be a shoe in really but there might possibly be a bit of pressure on them on the last Saturday if they need a win but I expect them to get it.

That leaves us haha. I think it's pretty safe to say 50 points alone isn't probably going to do it unless all the other teams have a calamitous last three games. 51 with our inferior goal difference might also not do it but it could if two of the teams above us win absolutely no more games. Draws they can have but 2 of them must hopefully win no more games. That leaves 52 or 53 points as almost guaranteed safety. In other words we'll either need to win 2 or win 1 and draw 2. 1 win and 1 draw might not be enough with our bad goal difference but it could be if like I said 2 teams above do not win another game..

What and end though. I've said it a few times but I'm gonna say it again. If we win the last game with Staines, I think we'll stay up. That's the feeling I get or at least I hope that. I get the feeling that final afternoon is going to see different teams going down at different times from 3pm onwards. Of course we've still got two quick games to play next week that will decide if the last match has any significance at all. This is like purgatory! :-)

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Re: Looking at the table..

By embee9/4/2017 15:12Sun Apr 9 15:12:13 2017In response to Re: Looking at the table..Top of thread

Views: 2900

I think you should look at Harrow too. Apart from our visit on Easter Monday they only have the three longest trips to east anglia still to play.

If they lose away at Leiston on Tuesday (more likely that not?) that leaves them with four losses in a row and a trip to playoff chasing Needham Market next Sat.
Lose that and our visit on Easter Monday becomes very interesting, because (if we beat Met Police) we could catch them on points and overtake them on goal difference in the same match.
They then would need to go to Lowestoft on the last day of the season and get a better result than us.

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Re: Looking at the table..

By PF9/4/2017 17:56Sun Apr 9 17:56:59 2017In response to Re: Looking at the table..Top of thread

Views: 2952

Yeah I looked at Harrow but I think they can nick a point or two which they need to survive. I think anyone on 53 will be safe. 51 and 52 is where the action is at. If they've taken their foot off the gas completely then yeah they could still be in trouble. I'm sure they'll lift themselves for the big derby next Monday. That's our problem, in that some teams tend to try harder against us and I count HB as one of them. That game is gonna be more pressure on them than us believe it or not assuming we do the business v Police. If we only draw with Police then the pressure increases mega-fold on us and we just have to win at Earlsmead pure and simple. It's gonna be MASSIVE lol!

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Re: HB nicked a point..

By PF12/4/2017 15:28Wed Apr 12 15:28:21 2017In response to Re: Looking at the table..Top of thread

Views: 2852 Leiston. I think 53 will be safe personally. Maybe they'll take the foot off the gas on Monday...a bit!

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Great weekend

By SteveHFC9/4/2017 21:58Sun Apr 9 21:58:37 2017In response to Re: Looking at the table..Top of thread

Views: 3155

Now home from what's been a great weekend in Kent - although it wasn't looking that way at half-time yesterday.

First half I thought was reasonably even, but we didn't do enough with our possession and paid for it. Interestingly most of us behind the goal thought there'd been a foul on Tom - but given the complete lack of protest from any of our players or bench, that can't have been the case.

Second half I thought we were superb - there was a real sense of determination to ensure we didn't go home empty handed. I said to my good lady midway through the half that I felt if we scored one, we'd score two. About a minute later, Kezie scored! A few minutes later, Marcel scored! However, be assured I don't normally have that level of foresight sadly!

Job done for this weekend - now onto the next one against Metropolitan Police.

Weekend finished by an overnight stay in an excellent hotel on the Folkestone seafront/clifftop, and a visit to a superb fish & chip restaurant for dinner (Papa's Fish & Chips in Folkestone town centre is well worth a visit if we're down that way again), and then spent this morning up on the white cliffs of Dover before heading home this afternoon.

All that, together with another 3 points for Portsmouth, have made it a great weekend.

Now where's the aftersun lotion?

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Re: Great weekend

By Lamb_n_flag10/4/2017 14:12Mon Apr 10 14:12:43 2017In response to Great weekendTop of thread

Views: 2935

You forgot to mention the £100 bet you put on "One For Arthur" to win the Grand National!

I hope that you, and indeed all Hendon supporters, also have an even more amazing Easter Weekend!

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Re: Looking at the table..

By Mike Cox9/4/2017 16:32Sun Apr 9 16:32:30 2017In response to Re: Looking at the table..Top of thread

Views: 3000

We can speculate on other possible results but this doesn't help us - the team must give its all in the remaining 3 games and stay up or go down fighting (not literally, of course). So come on, win, win and win!!!

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Previous thread: Tonbridge by PF1/4/2017 11:33Sat Apr 1 11:33:26 2017view thread