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Claremont Road remains

By nls13/1/2016 11:45Wed Jan 13 11:45:58 2016

Views: 3010

Hi guys,

I was wondering if you could answer a question I have about the old ground.
Do you know if anything remains of Claremont Road since it was bulldozed? I know sometimes, like with Tooting & Mitcham, old railings or foundations are sometimes left and I wondering if something of the sort happened here?

Thanks so much for your help

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Re: Claremont Road remains

By nickhfc13/1/2016 15:35Wed Jan 13 15:35:17 2016In response to Claremont Road remainsTop of thread

Views: 2863

From what I've heard not even a patch of grass is remaining from the old ground.

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Previous thread: Working Party ...... by Simon9/1/2016 14:41Sat Jan 9 14:41:23 2016view thread