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Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?

By richhend (legacy user)30/1/2015 18:44Fri Jan 30 18:44:45 2015

Views: 4458

Do we know if an early pitch inspection is planned for tomorrow?

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Re: Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?

By John (legacy user)30/1/2015 22:24Fri Jan 30 22:24:27 2015In response to Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?Top of thread

Views: 4499

Certainly haven't seen anything on Twitter. My guess is that something will be put up pretty early on tomorrow by Peacehaven - either via the website or on their social media feed.

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Re: Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?

By John (legacy user)31/1/2015 10:37Sat Jan 31 10:37:49 2015In response to Re: Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?Top of thread

Views: 4461

Judging by the P&TFC Twitter feed there's no sign of a pitch inspection. I suggest everyone jumps on their trains and enjoys a day beside the seaside.

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never mind the pitch inspection....

By Dorset Don (legacy user)31/1/2015 20:10Sat Jan 31 20:10:44 2015In response to Re: Peacehaven - Pitch inspection?Top of thread

Views: 4502

What happened to the ground inspection? On today's showing at Peacehaven & Timewasting fc how are we not yet able to play at SJP?

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Re: never mind the pitch inspection....

By Middx Wanderer (legacy user)2/2/2015 20:58Mon Feb 2 20:58:25 2015In response to never mind the pitch inspection....Top of thread

Views: 4251

I assume by that they have not got the ground up to scratch , with a deadline of march 31st whats the chance of it making the grade without a whitehawk style brown envelope

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Re: never mind the pitch inspection....

By ChrisHFC (legacy user)3/2/2015 11:27Tue Feb 3 11:27:38 2015In response to Re: never mind the pitch inspection....Top of thread

Views: 4268

I think Dorset Don is comparing the current facilities at SJP with those at Peacehaven & Telscombe. On first sight there doesn't appear to be a great deal of difference between the two grounds in terms of facilities.

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Re: never mind the pitch inspection....

By Middx Wanderer (legacy user)3/2/2015 18:06Tue Feb 3 18:06:18 2015In response to Re: never mind the pitch inspection....Top of thread

Views: 4239

I agree . & as P&T have only until March 31st to get the grading. I assume they will be demoted

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By rwakeley (legacy user)1/2/2015 01:04Sun Feb 1 01:04:01 2015In response to never mind the pitch inspection....Top of thread

Views: 4790

Read up on Kabasa 1979. Maybe a South-coast syndrome. Interesting stuff with regards to mental strength.
I would maybe extrapolate that on a geographical outlayer.
That is why I would never do a Jose Chelesa FC and ignore the obvious. If your guilty your guilty. If you have an inherent weakness it remains prelevant. Self denial.
I maintain we will now miss the lad Seeby. That is going to be a hammer blow. It was his time to step up to the plate and he lost it.
We have only lost a football match, but the lads also have a point to prove. They should be chomping at the bit next week to rectify what may have been a poor afternoon. That's all it was.
It's time for a response in the league, we have dipped of late, it's time to man up.
I maintain the lads have the desire to achieve their goals.
For the work they have put in they deserve it.


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Previous thread: Gary McCann celebrates ten years as Hendon Manager by footballexclusives.com3/2/2015 16:09Tue Feb 3 16:09:27 2015view thread