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Re: Slimmers
Views: 5830
Just like to say, that if I can do it (13lbs lost in first two weeks) then anyone can!!
It's been really good having the proper help, using a good little mobile app for tracking calories and got a step counter on my phone as well, would recommend to any of our tubbier supporters (I'm allowed to say that because it includes me!)
Re: Slimmers
Views: 5863
I have been on the sponsored slim but am calling it a day. It's not working for me (I've put weight on for the second week running). I'm following the rules and I've given up chocolate, curries, Chinese, chips, alcohol. I'm now walking 4 miles a day but it ain't happening. I'm just hungry and miserable.
So thanks to those who have sponsored me (your money is safe) and thanks to John Rice for setting the scheme up. Apologies to the club and GOSH for failing to raise any money.
I wish the others continued success with it.
Re: Slimmers
Views: 6056
We have our third slimmer coming in for his weigh in tomorrow. Our fourth comes in middle of August after their holiday. Unfortunately, Jeff's post above is more than likely going to put people off. So I am closing the programme to Hendon fans on Sunday. There seems little point in trying tbh but we'll try for one last week. If you are interested in joining please email me at After Sunday I will be promoting the programme elsewhere and only raising money for Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Re: Slimmers
Views: 5753
Put the blame on me. All I said was that I failed with the programme (possibly because I wasn't prepared to pay the £90 monthly costs for the products associated with the programme).
Some months ago when the facebook thing was launched I posted that it didn't work as I was told it would.
I was asked to remove that post as it was too negative. I removed the post as requested.
Now my previous post has not gone down well. For fear of saying the wrong thing anymore I will make this my last post on this forum.
Re: Slimmers
Views: 5818
Jeff - please don't stop posting.
I have no problem with any of your postings, particularly your first one on this thread. I thought was you said was perfectly reasonable - that the slimming programme wasn't for you, that you were pulling out and wishing everyone else well.
If we were to remove or moderate every negative posting, or make a rule that we could only be positive, we'd have virtually no postings at all!
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Re: Slimmers
Views: 5744
"If we were to remove or moderate every negative posting, or make a rule that we could only be positive, we'd have virtually no postings at all!"
Totally agree Steve and it wouldn't be a forum without having diverse opinions.
Based upon that, I thought JR's comment relating to Jeff's post was ridiculous.
re: Slimmers
Views: 5731
There's a lot of negativity on this forum!
Keep the diet plan publicised, John!
There must be plenty of people on here who'll go for it.
Re: re: Slimmers
Views: 5917
I will Alan. Am looking at a good friend doing a promo to her 1300+ followers on FB. That would be good if a few joined. We can raise 000's for the club and GOSH.
Have you been to see Edgware yet? New kid on the block and a bit of a dark horse. May be some nice odds on them.
re: Edgware
Views: 5765
haven't seen 'em.
Not watching much football these days.
They managed to get an away friendly v. Stafford Rangers (!)
Played Saturday and got tanked 5-0.
I don't think anyone does odds on the Spartan South Midlands.
Victor Chandler chalked up the Ryman Premier today. Had Margate in at 5/1. Price lasted an hour! 9/4 now. Bet365 went up and had The Gate at 13/8 once the sniper fire had died down.
re; Odds
Views: 5746
Correct that!
Victor has cut Margate to 7/4 in the past hour.
11/8 with Bet365.
Still 9/4 with Betway.
Re: re; Odds
Views: 5868
Money talks.....(not in terms of the betting but in terms of them chucking money at a Conference return...)
Previous thread: Odds by alan ainsworth21/7/2014 20:00Mon Jul 21 20:00:10 2014view thread