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Not hiding behind the comeback

By rwakeley5/10/2019 23:24Sat Oct 5 23:24:05 2019

Views: 3312

This may sound harsh to many. First impressions - the line-up - jaw dropping changes. A boat load of sympathy towards James. Not easy with both central midfielders out. To dis-connect the centre-backs on the day - either a brave or fooloish call. The defensive re-shuffle was either out of desparation or a calculated risk which back-fired wholesale. That's one for the manager to reflect on. Some in-experienced lads thrown in. Could be mitigating circumstances. Defensively, the goals we let in were amateurish. That defensive wall. Basic stuff. County level stuff at times. That first half was amongst the most humiliating and lifeless displays. I felt for James - I felt for myself! As for anybody in my opinion taking solace from our second half comeback, (even had we won), is in my view frankly delusional. I thought we contributed more to our own downfall than anything they could inflict. The amount of overall of personnel was just to much to absorb on the day. Does not justify the basic level errors. First ten minutes set our tone. I thought we were almost trying to give the impression of assurance. Charlie looking casual trotting up to take throw-ins. Trying to project a calmness. If so, I get it. But totally wrong for the day and the occassion. By time we had established, via some changes, what was required we were 3 down against a very average side. Today, my conclusion. I am struggling to recall a day where I have travelled home in such dis-belief at what a complete horlicks we have made of a game. In effect I believe we totally, (insert your own word here), things up. The overall quality on display from both sides was awful. We cannot be far of the bottom of this. I am slightly worried we may lapse into a mode where turnover of players becomes counter-productive. For the record. Totally behind James and the lads. It has got to the point where some semblance of style is factored in. It feels from my view, a clean slate. Tear it up and start again. Today, just further murkied the waters. Back to basics.