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Re: Huge afternoon

By rwakeley31/3/2019 02:06Sun Mar 31 02:06:51 2019In response to Re: Huge afternoon

Views: 2599

I read one or two inane comments on social media last week. Let's put the record straight. I saw at first hand the facial expression of our manager as he left the field last week. Simialr to many - including myself. That's the first time in a decade I've expressed my concern. That was by no means a judgement of my thoughts towards his capabilities., Regardless of what manifests. This season, arguably the toughest gig imaginable. A change of environment not-withstanding. An entire new squad required - a leading goalscorer lost - the number one centre-half gone for the season. Constant injuries at centre-half. I think this lad deserves a commendation. I worry, externally, the restrictions we can recruit in this division and comparisons with the Bostick remain a fixation in my own thought process. That aside, I think this young man has been honest and shown great fortitude in ubelievable conditions. It's been a tough gig - let's see what he can do for a couple of years. I will say something - his initial squad - I was personally unfamiliar with most of the aquisitions. I think there's an eclectic component. He's being tested as a manager. It feels in formulation mode. I think the lad has solid potential.