It's 2010 all over again...
Views: 3176
Six losses in a row. Same as back then. Similar head-scratching stuff. Looking back at the side then, the names were quality. All teams go through this and get through it and having been there before the management have to draw on their reserves of experience in handling this situation - hence what some may refer to as a slump, I would characterize as a necessary evil.
More interested in any alterations in formation and as to if worth going to Tonbridge with the same criteria. As for tonight certainly worth an experimental try. It something which has to run it's course. Chances are we will suddenly snap back into old ways and may not have actually done anything major. I certainly would not question anybody's commitment to the cause - even on a bad day. During the 2010 run we lost 1-8 at Lowestoft. We will get through this, with discipline and organisation.
As a footnote, just adding my appreciation to those involved in helping secure the club's future with regards to the developments as SJP. People make football clubs and Hendon have the best.
Onto Kent.
It's 2010 all over again... by rwakeley16/11/2015 21:52Mon Nov 16 21:52:47 2015view thread
- Re: It's 2010 all over again... by John Rogers16/11/2015 23:39Mon Nov 16 23:39:37 2015