Re: Player safety
Views: 3597
Have to agree, David. Player safety is of great importance. Can't comment on last Saturday's pitch as wasn't there but must have been a difficult decision for ref, as it must be in cases such as hard pitches. As it turned out, was right decision as (I believe) no-one seriously injured, Hendon won and one less game to play. All adds weight to the argument for having 3G pithes where ref doesn't have such difficult decsions to make.
Thank heavens (which opened last night) by David B26/1/2015 14:01Mon Jan 26 14:01:01 2015view thread
- Re: Thank heavens (which opened last night) by John Fordham26/1/2015 18:39Mon Jan 26 18:39:39 2015
- Player safety by David B27/1/2015 13:18Tue Jan 27 13:18:22 2015
- Re: Player safety by John Fordham27/1/2015 21:21Tue Jan 27 21:21:15 2015
- Don't stop by Jeff Hill27/1/2015 22:05Tue Jan 27 22:05:40 2015
- Re: Don't stop by David B28/1/2015 12:11Wed Jan 28 12:11:59 2015
- Re: Don't stop by John Fordham28/1/2015 08:44Wed Jan 28 08:44:11 2015