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By rwakeley (legacy user)28/9/2014 02:20Sun Sep 28 02:20:34 2014In response to Simon Lawrence

Views: 5493

The lad Braithwaite - he for me took over the command of the backs. Vocal, hostile and totally dominant.
The lads a Marine. I like the partnership with Fish. Fish is quieter and prone to dismiss histrionics. They compliment eachother. Kevin exemplified leadership qualities through-out. Its vital to have these personal characteristics on display.
I looked at Casey from the off. To me, in my warped state of mind the lad looks lean and mean. He had room to manoevure but that was a continuation from Tonbridge. He was gazelle-like. In fact from the start the lads looked fresh and re-juvinated.
Leon got bullied through-out and really impressed today. I like the look of Peter Dean and the lad Diedhiou probably had his best ninety of the season. I thought the lad put in an effective shift today.
Touching on the above sentiment, I find it emblamatic of the teams efforts are a reflection of those, like the chairman and the management, are a constant theme which run through the veins of each and every one of us.
That's why I watch Hendon, you cannot replicate that personal involement elsewhere. It's unique and difficult to describe to those who fail to appreciate what football is really about.
The board, the management, the supporters and most of all today the players were exeptional.
Today was a priviledge.
