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re: Rant

By alan ainsworth (legacy user)12/9/2014 12:55Fri Sep 12 12:55:47 2014In response to re: Investment

Views: 5694

Had to cut that "lunchtime break" rant short to hobble back from Internet Cafe to hospital.

Re: Boreham Wood FC and their funding model.
Main point being, considering how often the facilities at Wealdstone FC are used, how does what I seem to remember being a slightly smaller facility at BWFC - admittedly in conjunction with a £250 per game 3G pitch - seemingly pull so much more money? I doubt the Women's Institute, religious communities or political organisations hire it regularly.
BWFC's clubhouse isn't on the High Street, any more than Wealdstone's is.
Maybe BWFC supremo Danny Hunter has a private rainbow terminating at his abode, with a tribe of leprechauns in his back garden.
The Earlsmead hall is very nice these days and the back bar's not a dump. Harrow Borough FC ain't raking in the shekels from hiring them out.
I'd assume the Hendon FC archive of accounting & bureaucracy, retrieved from the eaves of the Claremont Road clubhouse, may well contain files on use of the Banqueting Suites. It certainly contains files of hugely impressive lists of previous sponsors & advertisers.
The main problem with getting some of them back, or promoting any new community facility, is the man hours required to do the marketing... something Hendon FC, along with most other Non-League clubs, doesn't have access to.

Let's stop the deluded BS about "Investment."
Say what you mean; mean what you say.
Financial contributions to Hendon FC are largely donations to the pockets of sub-standard footballers, who'd be playing as nothing more than a hobby at this level in any other country - just as hockey and rugby players do here.
There's far too much self-delusion in modern UK society and football contains more than almost any other
area. (I see the "Safe Standing" BS is surfacing again. Until the imbeciles drop the comforting, self-deluding and inappropriate word "safe" from any petition, I will not support it.)
The one recent scheme that appears to constitute "Investment" is the Lewes plan.
I'd like to think some of you have had a look at it:
Please try to accept the unpalatable situation that, when it comes to attracting funding from what might be termed "City" businesses and the traditional Patrician elements of society, you have three things to remember:
1 - You're in Mississippi.
2 - It's 1952.
3 - You're black.
You have as much chance as you'd have knocking in my door with a Noo Layba rosette or thrusting a collection tin for "Palestinians" in Gaza under my hooter.

As I'm surprised to find this morning that I can almost sort of walk, I might even turn up at Earlsmead tomorrow.