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Death of a true Green.

By martin moreland (legacy user)16/8/2014 08:31Sat Aug 16 08:31:03 2014

Views: 4809

I have been following the fortunes of Hendon now for the last 20 odd years. Largely down to my grandad Eric Fensome. He was a massive fan of the greens when they played their football at Claremont road. Every Saturday he would travel home and away with the second team to all parts of London. I remember going to a home match one Saturday afternoon with him and I was amazed at his passion for not just non league, but second 11 non league.!! Proper football he would say.. I remember the 90s with boncho guenchev in the hot seat down there. Peter Taylor and Junior Lewis. Even after Hendon had to move, by now Eric was getting old and travelling was too much, he still every week purchased the non league paper to check on Hendon progress. I remember him saying what a sad day it was when finally they demolished the old Claremont road ground. Memories he would say, memories will stay with me forever. Well today I will sit and remember my grandad who passed away last night 15th August. I will remember the good old days of walking the few hundred yards from his Clitterhouse road home to the Claremont road home of his beloved Hendon.. UP THE GREENS.