Thank you chaps
Views: 4780
Just dropped in to say thank you for declaring me as supporter of the year. Seriously what took you so long? Joking aside, It does feel a tad uncomfortable when my only notoriety appears to be lots of hours looking out of a train window. Its even more unsettling when I see familiar faces of whom contribute so much more than I ever could.
Continually asked why I support Hendon - it's a very difficult question for me to answer. It's been a real work in progress. I knew a decade or more before jumping on board where I would reside. My only regret is that I didn't do it much earlier.
And due to the work undertaken behind the scenes our club has a better outlook than it has done in years.
Those guys derserve any recognition.
Thank you
- Thank you chaps by rwakeley12/5/2014 10:43Mon May 12 10:43:03 2014view thread
- Thoroughly deserved by David B12/5/2014 17:11Mon May 12 17:11:01 2014
- Re: Thoroughly deserved by Paul Butler13/5/2014 10:57Tue May 13 10:57:01 2014