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Thank you.....

By rwakeley28/9/2021 07:07Tue Sep 28 07:07:04 2021In response to A game of creosote!

Views: 1779

Just read the game is off. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the morons who have been duped by the national press and consequently costed me a hotel. You can kiss my ass! Furthermore, if I see any of you lefties, (yes I can bring politics into football as well), sitting in the road- if the police won't move you - I will!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Thank you..... by NLFan28/9/2021 12:24Tue Sep 28 12:24:50 2021

Previous thread: Objectively speaking by rwakeley14/9/2021 23:24Tue Sep 14 23:24:17 2021view thread