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Objectively speaking

By rwakeley14/9/2021 23:24Tue Sep 14 23:24:17 2021

Views: 1900

My main inherent frustration remains. I can't pass comments on tonight as I was clearly not there. This is my main frustration and has been since joining the Southern. I keep going on. I maintain there are 2 classes of sides in this division, those on the deck and those of whom catapult the ball into the box, usually from a Corby-esque style delivery from a supporting left or right back. Even Beaconsfield had the latter style about them at their place. Tonight's comments on twitter with regards the inward crosses is a concern. We've had a batch of oppos in my view of whom we've had mixed fortunes against from the first style. Tonight, I want to know how we defended the crosses. Not to many seen pre-season, the first I saw at Bromsgrove were not dealt with comprehensively. I think we have issues. To be fair from what I've seen the lad Hamza has improved our midfield. How we cope defensively in the air against the likes of a Taunton is going to be a major test.
I have a structural issue at the heart of all this. I keep bashing on about Brewer's position. I do think we need a clear identity, built from the foundation at the back. I find it hard to swallow, albiet, I don't think a lot of sides are great in this division, that we can maintain a totally driven front to back approach and fully maintain control for long spells of the game. I still maintain we can reach the play-offs and it is very early. I think Lee has to give consideration to the type of oppositions and time will tell if we stick to plan A or how we develop. Obviously. with the likes of Joe back we can beat most sides. But we have to ultimately beat those at the very top. I'm not downbeat at all. I'm not worried about our discipline. Seen it all before. It blows over once we get more continuity. I do think we need a more definable, rounded style. Keep at it.

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