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Salisbury thoughts

By rwakeley22/2/2020 17:02Sat Feb 22 17:02:51 2020

Views: 8824

Sometimes awkward to denote findings on a game not seen, however on this occasion I have plenty of thoughts.
Going in..via the Stats Don't Lie website. Salisbury, this season, average first goal scored time 39.40 mins - the average first goal time conceded 39.39 mins. They got the crucial first goal. Plus no other side has a better record of scoring in both halves. Very, very, very fine margins. We're close. I presume on the performance things could have quite as easily gone the other way.
I would imagine one or two key areas of the pitch may have just edged things. A lot of positives. I would imagine Lee and his staff can take a lot from that. A real benchmark. Despite the result, I think a very good day in many respects.
Now onto Tuesday. A win is a must. Wingate at home in wait. A potential final - could be a real cracker. A crack at some real decent silverware. A lot of lessons learned on some upcoming trips away. Should hold us in good stead should we re-visit next season. Bigger picture kind of day. Plenty of character shown. Personally encouraged, if we need to adapt to these type of challenges, come back stronger. I think we're in pretty darn good shape.

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