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By rwakeley26/12/2019 22:30Thu Dec 26 22:30:13 2019

Views: 2584

In selecting my Hendon team of the decade, it hit home, what I had actually left out was what I maintain we require now, more than ever.
I would assume that today told us nothing we didn't already know. The manager himself has touched on the key areas of concern.
Both our play-off sides in my view were greatly enhanced with the inclusion of James Fisher and Michael Corks. We lost only one out of thirty league games of which James started. I think his contribution was massively overlooked. I personally believe we are crying out for that type, with the key onus on the distribution. The lad Brewer and Big Dave obviously have immense qualities. I thought the former had a good game against HW often in acres of free space, but overlooked. The latter, his defensive qualities are undeniable. I think we need someone there of whom can anchor things and pass. Even Royston, pre-season had a lad. He looked of the older brigade but none-the-less forced us to change our formation as he spread the ball out wide.
We've seen enough of sides in this league to recognise their traits. Many mediocre sides forcing the game through short-passing in midfield, the better sides playing out from the back as demonstrated.
I maintain we have some very interesting players. The lad Eshun, powerful, a Lukaku type. The lad Brooks, the lad Smith at the back looks a real find. I believe we need that key player to bring it all together and with it an identity and style of play best suited to bring the best out of our players.
We've averaged two goals a game of late, we need to get resilient. Despite short-term volatility, there is with some modifications, I believe huge scope.
Interesting to see what Lee can deliver with a solid pre-season under his belt.
Keep at it.

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