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Re: Manager gone

By The Ancient One5/11/2019 15:44Tue Nov 5 15:44:33 2019In response to Manager gone

Views: 9235

Jimmy Gray, Sorry to see that the club has parted company with Jimmy. Nice, communicative, and honest man. Nobody likes to see hard working and committed people loosing their jobs. But something had to be done it remains to be seen if this is the correct action. We are 12, league matches into this season just 2 wins and 10 points. At this time last season, and I feel sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong, 12, games 26 points! (What a struggle that season turned out to be.) Those results are just not acceptable and are relegation figures.
I appreciate that there are cost constraints put on our managers, and no doubt some supporters will point at the injury list that Jimmy has had to deal with. 2018-19 season the manager had virtually no players when he arrived, but we had a summer break this year to re-evaluate and prepare. There were a number of positions that needed addressing and I am not sure they ever were. The revolving door is still revolving no continuity no settled defencive line up, no real cutting edge in attack. On to Farnborough tomorrow night.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Manager gone by rwakeley5/11/2019 11:53Tue Nov 5 11:53:03 2019

Previous thread: No game, some positives by John Rogers2/11/2019 17:58Sat Nov 2 17:58:22 2019view thread