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Haysie Fantazee

By rwakeley23/9/2019 14:33Mon Sep 23 14:33:09 2019

Views: 2534

Can't wait! - Bring it on. Similar initial thoughts surrounded last season's outing at Harlow. Getting the ball down, fast and furious kind of battle. They've undergone a re-build, if we perfrom on the day, then optimistic.
As with Harlow, a good match-up for where we are at. If we have got some semblance of order being established and a view to the formation being put into place, a chance to start pushing on.
A chance to start building on strengths and gaining momentum.
Let's go!

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Next article in this thread: Re: Haysie Fantazee by John Rogers23/9/2019 20:19Mon Sep 23 20:19:07 2019

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