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Met Police

By rwakeley14/8/2019 17:23Wed Aug 14 17:23:30 2019

Views: 2495

Enojoyed it! The Met trying to incorporate 7 new squad additions - Wimborne, up next 7 new starters last Saturday - no goals to date! Lot's to evaluate. The Met for me last night, unconventional style due to the new lad's in situe. One promising lad in the middle. One thing really being driven home in my mindset. Having watched several pre-season games and last night. It's our underlying flexiblity in being able to adapt to our opponents style. Billers, prime example, playing from the back. I thought we mirrored, (and objectively), exceeded them at it. Same, not so effective stance at St Ives. But again, mirrored. Last night, we incorporated their style and ran with it. Thought we bossed long passages of the game. Lacked something clinical up-front - game should have been ours. Kameron looks naturally in-tuned - the players are mentally. We have not yet a defined style. I think we can adapt to our opponents credentials and gain superiority regardless of their strengths. Even the apparent, back to the wall defending on Saturday. Exhibiting great, diverse array of necessary characteristics to gain points. I don't think it's too early to suggest we can extrapolate the positive components in these games to date and propose the notion we actually have the makings of an all-round decent side. Some old fashioned deployments. Pretty apparent this is going to evolve, but as an indication of what we can aspire to - There's issues, and some pretty glaring ones, but the positives are very evident. I think it's very encouraging. Onto Saturday.

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