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Re: Gateshead

By rwakeley21/5/2019 18:39Tue May 21 18:39:41 2019In response to Re: Gateshead

Views: 2967

I'm agree one hundred percent with regards to the league places devised by ChrisHFC. I advocate this would even the costs whilst maintaining a traditional essence to the environment. One niggle I have remains un-known. I want to know, what, if any, restrictions there have been in terms of player recruitment as a result of our re-location. The knock-on effects with regards to player pool and quality are key considerations.
Touching on the Met. One thing stood out early doors last season. I noted their gaffer tweeted that he was completely satisfied with his squad going in. A good indicator as the season developed.
Just for larks, I cast my eye over the new recruits. Blackfields and Langley was interesting. I typed that into Google Maps and half the English Channel appeared! It comes to something when the Spanish Amarda has a greater chance of reaching the place than what I do!
That's football, I guess!

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