Bucket Collection Thank You
Views: 2475
I'm breaking my messageboard silence to say a huge thank you to all those who contributed to the bucket collection on Saturday. £345.60 was raised - an incredible amount given what our regular bucket collections usually raise. My colleagues who are doing the 3 Peaks Challenge in aid of the Railway Children are absolutely thrilled with your generosity.
As we've mentioned on the website and in the programme, in return John and I will be doing a dress-down collection within the Capacity Planning department at Network Rail in MK in September in aid of two of the charities that work with SJP and the club - MIND BWW and CAD Brent.
I'd also like to thank those supporters who have come and congratulated Sharon and myself on getting married a couple of weeks ago.
For reasons that I'm not going to go into publically (but it's nothing to do with on field matters or anyone employed by the club), I'm not sure how often we'll be at games next season. There are some issues connected to the club that I, particularly, am very unhappy about.
I'll continue to support all that SJP do - the work Rob, Tom and the team do is utterly outstanding, and I'll never stop being a Hendon supporter from a distance - but as it stands, I would find it very difficult to be at Hendon games - something that is hurting me a great deal at the current time.
I won't be entering into any further dialogue on here, but more than happy to discuss away from the world of social media.
Hope everyone has a great summer.
Edited by SteveHFC at 11:19:03 on 29th April 2019
Next article in this thread: Re: Bucket Collection Thank You by Rainham don1/5/2019 13:44Wed May 1 13:44:32 2019
Bucket Collection Thank You by SteveHFC29/4/2019 11:17Mon Apr 29 11:17:59 2019view thread
- Re: Bucket Collection Thank You by Rainham don1/5/2019 13:44Wed May 1 13:44:32 2019