Re: Yesterday
Views: 2626
Nice to see the gaffer smiling. I've consigned the campaign to the archives. It's how we progress. Personally, I've not wanted a season to end as much as that. The home form was a constant drain. Mentally, in that regard, I do maintain the players deserve a huge amount of credit. They did stick at it. There's a lot to be done on the playing front.
Never thought I would type this, but in the grand scheme of things, I miss going to Aveley! I do think we are the proverbial fish out of water in this division. We are placed with a unique characteristic in this division. This past season, to our detriment. I think it could also work in our favour. Style wise, I think we have more akin to the Southern Coastal sides in terms of prospective domination. I think the reverse is more the case should we revert back to the Bostick. The formation, and in particular, should we hold onto Connor, the un-resolved issue.
A lot to ponder. As for the manager. I think he is a smashing lad. When he joined, I noted the St Albans forum, despite the fact he had stepped down, were full of praise. That's a rare event in this world. I think he's highly respected. Regardless of what manifests, I want to see what this young man can orchestrate over the next couple of years. Best wishes to David B on your recovery. Only 80 or so days, before the friendlies kick-in! Enjoy what-ever summer we've got left!
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Yesterday by John Rogers28/4/2019 09:32Sun Apr 28 09:32:23 2019view thread
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