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Re: Next Season

By rwakeley26/3/2019 10:41Tue Mar 26 10:41:13 2019In response to Next Season

Views: 2962

The possibilities alone demonstrates the problems created for the London trifecta. Wazza on his NLM spreadsheet has us in Bostick Prem, The Met in the Conf South and Harrow in the Southern Prem. FWP has us down as relegated. One highly unsubstantiated rumour I heard recently was that Hendon were happy to stick in the Southern for another stint. - I then heard the opposite from someone else! This is what we three clubs face every season we stay in this realm. Good luck assembling a squad.
Personal view. I have that much revulsion for this, I would almost take relegation back to Bostick 1, just to get us back in what I percieve as a more condusive environment. That's based not just on travel - but moreover on footballing merit. Only twice in the past decade has promoted sides from the Ryman into the Conf South come straight back down - it maybe longer - I actually posted this stuff earlier in the season. I do think there is a prevailiing notion amongst some that staying in the Southern is an easier option towards promotion. I don't buy into that. I would advocate the team at the very top of the Southern is usually a far bigger club. We have proved that we as a club can get in the Ryman Play-offs. I would also best guesimate it is far more difficult to recruit players for the Southern league. We know the Met are un-happy. The longer our London based clubs stay in this division, I believe it will become more difficult to get out of. Sides that get promoted usually keep most playing staff. Those in this league have prospered. We would in likelihood have to completely re-build.

As for Option 2 - I would rather barbacue my own tongue!

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