Re: Still not happy
Views: 2684
Most important thing as far as I am concerned is picking up the 7 or 8 points that I think will definitely keep is safe. Couldn't care less if we rob those points or play like Man City, quite honestly.
Today, I can't fault the effort. Lack of quality, sure. But that won't change between now and the end of the season. We have what we have and if they work their knackers off, which, Gosport aside, they have since January, we'll come good, I firmly believe that.
The goalkeeping situation is far from ideal. I have my own thoughts on it which people can easily ask me about. I like Purdue, I wouldn't want to throw him into a relegation battle. There are two or three names I have in mind who could be available and would be a more steadying influence.
We're all disappointed at how this season has turned out especially after our start, none more so I suspect than Jimmy. Next season, when he's had a full preseason to work with is when to judge him.
In terms of communication, yes, it isn't perfect at Hendon but again, everyone is a volunteer in terms of the football club board, the supporters trust board and those that run the website and social media.
By all means, we are open to constructive ways of trying to improve the way the club communicates with fans and perhaps there are things we should do as routine that we aren't. What you mentioned last week, WM, about injury updates, is one of them. But, there are ways and means of doing it, many channels open for providing feedback which don't need to happen in open when folk are doing their utmost (This isn't meant as a bitch against you in particular, I hope it doesn't come across as such).
The fact remains that the club can only be as good and as strong as those that put time and effort into keeping it running as we are at Step 3. We are reliant on volunteers, Daz aside, and he does much more than he should on a match day.
I realise that many people are unable to contribute time to helping the club out, to be honest, I think many of those that do would, if push came to shove, rather not. Keeping the club running, social media and website channels open, match days running smoothly takes a heck of a toll on everyone concerned. Mentally and physically.
I've read and heard some enormously disingenuous things this last year about people whose only pursuit as been to keep Hendon FC alive and, I find that bloody disheartening, dispiriting and more than one person I know and respect has talked about jacking it in after this season. People without whom, the daily struggle is going to increase. The only thing that ought to matter when we pay our money or come in to volunteer is the football club and making sure it thrives and survives at the highest possible level. We have made great strides off the pitch and in the community whilst seemingly fracturing into splinter groups supporter wise. This won't come as a surprise to those that might read on the football club and supporters trust board but too many people are putting self interest over the football club in my view.
Whilst I firmly believe fans deserve to have their chance to have their say, if you are unhappy at how the club is being run either by the football club board or supporters trust board then the AGM is the time to stand up and be counted.
In my view, survival was going to be the pinnacle this season and we are in target for that. We haven't had the luxury Met Police, Harrow or King's Langley have had in being able to keep the nucleus of a side together. I don't think Jimmy has got everything right but jeez, as brilliant as Gary was for us, let's not kid ourselves that he was some kind of deity by comparison.
Please, for the final five weeks of the season, get behind the boys and give Jimmy the opportunity next season to get a squad that he wants together, rather than one he can get.
EDIT: I realise this has come as a stream of consciousness, apologies for that.
Edited by John Rogers at 19:35:19 on 23rd March 2019
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