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Re: This reminds me of 2016-17

By Deadman26/12/2018 21:03Wed Dec 26 21:03:37 2018In response to This reminds me of 2016-17

Views: 10409

It reminds me of 16-17 too.

It was pretty poor today. There seemed to be a fair amount of effort but very little in the way of cohesive play. Harrow punished our defensive lapses and 2nd half we offered very little attacking threat, with lots of extra touches being taken. The game went to form and Harrow, without doubt, had the better performers.

Until we are able to get a settled defence and find a midfield blend, we'll continue to struggle. I see glimpses of ability, but I see little overall class and we haven't looked good since Dombaxe departed and Ngamvoulou disappeared. The simple nature of many of the goals we are conceding is especially worrying.

Footballers moan at each other....I get that. But every now and again, the smarter ones offer some encouragement to a struggling team-mate. After a while, continual moaning becomes a drain....and if I can notice it as a supporter, what must it be like to a struggling player?

Today was a bad day.

Edited by Deadman at 21:05:23 on 26th December 2018

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