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Re: My overall perception - part 3

By rwakeley29/11/2018 18:47Thu Nov 29 18:47:36 2018In response to Re: My overall perception - part 2

Views: 2664

Thinking back to our mini-group of death last season with Slough and Margate, despite winning I did think we were probably the one's outside the venn diagram. Shows what an achievement it was. Maybe the surfaces played into our hands a tad? Whilst I'm in this mode of complete insanity.. For the record, a recent poster cited 'patterns' fully believe in that, indentifying them, taking action. I also maintain the history book repeats itself, based on another theory that most sides do maintain throughout time an identity. Furthermore, I then believe someone else comes along and takes hold in Enfield's case Barry Fry at Barnet. Which brings me onto theories with regards to regionalisation, bigger wages, crowds ext. I would throw in New Towns and conurbations playing a part. And the cycle is complete.
Well that's my non-league theory - time for my tablet!

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Next article in this thread: Re: My overall perception - part 4 by rwakeley29/11/2018 20:16Thu Nov 29 20:16:40 2018

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