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Dial M For Merthyr

By rwakeley29/11/2018 11:18Thu Nov 29 11:18:50 2018

Views: 2867

I've been looking at our midfield combo. Looking specifically at No's 7&8. If we agree that things started to go downhill at Sailsbury the midfield duo's reveal something. Prior to that in all games except Frome and Lancing, (home), Stephane had been the constant occupant accomodated by A.N.Other - for the greater part the lad Dombaxe. Since that game, he has failed to appear.
In the games since, combinations consisting of no less that 7 players have participated in 8 matches, granted on the back of some re-shuffles at the back. Another factor, individual errors. These's been some real George Graham 'cavalier' stuff. How much correlation between trying to find the best positions for players, let alone their own abilities and performance is open to debate. I would hold fire until the back line have been in situe before really drawing conclusions.
Periodically, I make a Mercury in Retrograde reference. Things appear to be going backwards when they actually aren't. Joking aside, I think this could actually in this instance prove to be an unwelcome hindrance, but equally we may come out of it stronger. Retrograde blows over Saturday night for the Russell Grant's out there!
Personally, I think there's an equal chance we may resolve our midfield quandries. Characteristcally, I think we may end up needing more Southern League style occupants, more than Ryman style equivilents - time will tell. Possibly our toughest test to date - let's go.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Dial M For Merthyr by The Ancient One29/11/2018 16:20Thu Nov 29 16:20:21 2018

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