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St Albans thoughts

By rwakeley14/7/2018 22:58Sat Jul 14 22:58:46 2018

Views: 10866

Some may advocate a pointless exercise - so when in Rome. I have a deluge of thoughts! How impressed am I with the gaffers first week in office - I think we have the semblance of a really decent side here. First major thought maybe paranoia on my behalf - the half-time subs. Two pivotal positions. The lad Martin replaced by, I think Trialist B. Not be disparaging in any way - key position. They had a lad, aged 36 in the role, confirmed by a fan, of whom was a ringer for Lee O'Leary. Last time we had a mass exodus, Lee was a major recruit. The other midfield issue for me a player I believe in the style of two lads of whom we released! A Matt Ball or Hemel/Wingate lad, whose name escapes me as I race through this. Toying with the notion the absence of Chappell at the back had its ramifications. The lads were exposed. I believe these areas will be overcome with the final pieces falling into place. The lads up-front will have the necessary ammunition. More comparisions, their sub looked similar to our Trialist A. I think there's scope there as with Harry G. The right and left back need a functioning middle to support. The keeper reminds me of Tom Lovelock - smallish with good distribution. He's gone with the Lev Yashin look -Love it! I havn't typed so much after a game - It's undeniable there's something to be harnessed here. One week in the job - no squad - this young man in charge. I think there's a lot to do and a lot of potential outcomes - but all thinks considered - well done.

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