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Rene Howe.

By Morgs10/7/2018 10:47Tue Jul 10 10:47:18 2018

Views: 2829

Something of a "Crikey!" signing.
I'd have guessed his age at a mite north of 31.
Was a very high-class smallish/compact big number nine. Six foot dead. Shelter shed physique. Unpleasant to play against.
Not seen him play for years.
Allegedly become a wee bit less mobile. In the sense that hunting in kit skips for one of Kirbs's old shirts might be added to the pre-season checklist.
Knows the division.
Surprised he's joined but reportedly lives Watford way - surprising as he's always played well north of there.
Has to be seen as a worthwhile punt.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Rene Howe. by Neil.M12/7/2018 00:29Thu Jul 12 00:29:37 2018

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