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Football & politics.

By Morgs21/5/2018 12:04Mon May 21 12:04:11 2018In response to CONIFA World Football Cup 2018

Views: 3134

Do you know, I somehow had the ridiculous notion that both FIFA & UEFA had stringent rules concerning politics in football.
Still, good luck to Rohingya Rovers, Polisario Palace, Nagarno-Karabakh Casuals, South Ossetia City, Atletico Esequiba and - most of all - the impoverished Gaza Goliaths, favoured sons of all right-thinking Grauniad types and named after a victim of apartheid oppression, who've somehow managed to divert enough of their subsistence funds away from building tunnels, buying rockets and burning border posts to fly their team here.
Seriously, the temptation to fire-off an e-mail to FIFA, from an IP address in Tunbridge Wells, is strong.
Does the Chinese government know a Tibet side is taking the field?

Edited by Morgs at 12:07:10 on 21st May 2018

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