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Re: Southern Comfort

By rwakeley16/5/2018 13:13Wed May 16 13:13:12 2018In response to Re: Southern Comfort

Views: 3167

That's a cracking point with regards to the Hereford effect. With regards to Chesham they didn't muster a win in their last 10 suggesting they may have thrown the towel in. They did however confront all the top sides in the last month or so. I see Jefferson Louis is in their bio's - he may have moved since typing this.
I do have an image problem with regards to getting a handle on proceedings with this league. Going back to the last major shake up 1979-80 APL North/South divide. I always maintained the Northern Prem was way stronger than the sides in the Southern at that time and yet it was the Southern sides of whom came more to the fore over time.
I do believe there were economic reasons, constructions of New Towns and the like that brought in the likes of Stevenage, Wycombe, Welling and the likes. To me, a lot of the Southern landscape reminds me glorified FA Vase territory.
Footnotes - Love the idea of an U-23 side filling a void. The Met are appealing - good luck with that.

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