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Possibly for the best.

By Morgs7/5/2018 23:35Mon May 7 23:35:14 2018In response to Re: Congratulations on great season

Views: 3148

Gary Mac would've fancied a crack at it and - who knows? - maybe catching a few teams unawares in August and getting some early momentum might have led to a respectable 18/19 season in Connie South.
In reality, I doubt it. There will be as many as half-a-dozen clubs shelling £10k per week up there. As a division, it's getting to resemble Connie North: when a team runs out of the tunnel, you look at 'em and half expect South Sydney Rabbitohs to emerge next.
Then, as pointed-out above, there are ground grading issues. They cost money.
I'd expect a few players to be tapped-up over the summer, so a repeat next season may be a little more difficult.
Looks as if it will still be Isthmian football next term, but a switch to the Southern League - likely to be welcomed by many fans, though probably not by the management & players - is still possible.
"Well done!" again on a great season.

Edited by Morgs at 23:46:18 on 7th May 2018

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Next article in this thread: Re: Possibly for the best. by Deadman8/5/2018 08:15Tue May 8 08:15:24 2018

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