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Re: Playoff permutations

By PF25/4/2018 15:30Wed Apr 25 15:30:32 2018In response to Playoff permutations

Views: 2890

According to Football web pages Hendon will lose both games and still finish in the play offs. Which gives us a bit of confidence does it not? I know you have to take everything that site predicts with a monster pinch of salt but we're in a good position. From the previous 2 games I've seen against Leatherhead, I'd say they are a real bogey side. They slaughtered us each time. We might need a point at Leiston and that will be nervy to say the least.

I hope the play off is against Dulwich. I think we can beat them. Folkestone looks tougher to me. Lesiton will be the easiest if it's them. Pray God it's not Leatherhead again as we'll have no chance haha! There I am getting ahead of myself again...just get the point lads...

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