Views: 3213
I drew one conclusion from Saturday. Having be-moaned Liverpool-esque banks and concerns that we may invite pressure through the middle against stronger sides. I believe we won the midfield battle and are evolving at pace.
Casey, the Corcoran, Keagan, Big Dave, not counting the pace we are gathering resolve and becoming more rounded.
I also maintain with regards to the Trophy run, we've met the right calibre of team condusive to where we've been at. And yes, I think we are now getting to the stage where we are ready for this. It's all ran in tandum.
Love their message board - they wanted us. Good for them. I fully believe in cup runs, timing and the environment holds key on the day. I've seen a lot of giant-killing acts in my time. Gander Green, pleased at such a high profile opposition is actually close to home. My memories of that place - I don't like the ground - the pitch is a leveller - and may help us - in the same way that their surface, a boggy quagmire I always felt helped them. Historically it enabled them to defeat Coventry City. There could be an upset here.
This Hendon team is growing in stature and have everything to gain.
There's a quiet determination about how we are evolving. That comes from the top down. This is a future challenge and one that should be welcomed - Out of all the perceived 'top' sides left, this may have the makings of a very interesting afternoon.
Next article in this thread: Re: Sutton by Amber SUFC20/12/2017 16:23Wed Dec 20 16:23:31 2017
Sutton by rwakeley18/12/2017 14:01Mon Dec 18 14:01:23 2017view thread
- Re: Sutton by Amber SUFC20/12/2017 16:23Wed Dec 20 16:23:31 2017
- Sutton Away - Cheap travel available by jimsredwhiteandgreen18/12/2017 16:38Mon Dec 18 16:38:07 2017
- Re: Sutton Away - Cheap travel available by SteveHFC18/12/2017 17:52Mon Dec 18 17:52:33 2017
- Re: Sutton Away - Cheap travel available by PF19/12/2017 12:04Tue Dec 19 12:04:21 2017
- Re: Sutton Away - Cheap travel available by John Rogers19/12/2017 13:25Tue Dec 19 13:25:56 2017
- Re: Sutton Away by Dorset Don18/12/2017 18:52Mon Dec 18 18:52:51 2017