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Re: Tonight-ish

By rwakeley22/11/2017 17:32Wed Nov 22 17:32:39 2017In response to Re: Tonight

Views: 3186

3 each - more Liverpool likeness - No Chance! - They blew it, prevailing circumstances aside, we were magnificent. Some fans at the end were be-moaning the time allotted. Games through-out this entire season have been characterized by last ditch goals and questionable penalties. So happens on this occasion we were dealt a double-whammy. You can't legislate for certain curtailments - which is why I came away feeling elated.
Love the Uchechi role, allows freedom for Murphs and incorporates the midfield activity. Casey and Big Dave, I can't find words to describe those lads and Zac - what a lad he is. Our tenacity was exemplorary. 3-1 half-time lead maybe a difficult situation to handle - personally felt the key turning point were the Dulwich subs.
I've always thought last night was the appetizer and Saturday the main course.
Great to see some fresh faces, old and new, amongst the crowd. SJP has re-ignited this proud club and we are on the way up , Gary, the board and staff - let alone supporters will surely have many more great games to come. The desire off the pitch is demonstrated by the expressions of those on it in adversity. The Hamlet celebrations at the end of the game is the biggest back-handed compliment we could have got.
We may cross paths again. It's wet the appetite for Saturday.
Those lads in green last night were phenomenal.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Tonight-ish by dw22/11/2017 23:31Wed Nov 22 23:31:52 2017

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