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Where we are at

By rwakeley19/11/2017 00:35Sun Nov 19 00:35:43 2017

Views: 3064

I watched Motd in the pub tonight. I have never seen such an abject standard of defending across the board in all my life - if that's what the ruddy masses are subscribing to God held the bloody lot of them. It's rubbish! Pitiful.
I have honestly never seen football as such diatribe in all my life. Talking heads, 24 hour saturation coverage.
Anybody absorbed by that crap needs their head examining. God, the standard of football in this country is truly embarrassing.
I just felt compelled to write that - not because I'm drunk - but as a football fan of whom pays money and turns up.
It's not Hendon related in any sense.
Sod me, just watch that top flight stuff and ask youself if you havn't lost the ruddy will to live. The Premier League is overblown crap!
I'm more annoyed as a football fan tonight, than what I am my own team - I just really wanted to write that tonight - I'll post my own thoughts on Hendon in due course - because the standard of intelligence is making me damn angry. I do think that can translate and filter down.

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