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Re: I actually don't care how we played tonight

By rwakeley18/10/2017 11:09Wed Oct 18 11:09:19 2017In response to Re: I actually don't care how we played tonight

Views: 2970

Thanks for the summary. Love the opening and closing lines. Matches I don't attend I draw on previous encounters to form my own synopsis and last night appears to have been pretty spot on. We can't be expected to run riot every single game, and when we are not quite on the pedal to the metal stuff grinding out a win makes things equally if not more important.
As for the last line, I'm going out on a whim and I am going propose that we are probably going to be safe this season!
3 points Saturday.

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Next article in this thread: Re: I actually don't care how we played tonight by embee18/10/2017 09:26Wed Oct 18 09:26:44 2017

Previous thread: Worthing Away 21st October by WillesdenGreen10/10/2017 15:10Tue Oct 10 15:10:19 2017view thread