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Gary McCann

By rwakeley15/10/2017 01:46Sun Oct 15 01:46:36 2017

Views: 3423

Its a salvation thing. Last three games. Todays football. Best 3 teams I've seen. Dutch 78, Liverpool 76-79, Enfield 85. Common demoninator midfield goals contribtion. Toshack, Rep and Dave Flint!
I've watched todays elitist offerings. It's pathetic. Football in this country is replicant of those of whom watch it. We are literally detatched. Its a separate universe. Futile.
Its a separate characteristic. We have goals from midfield. It's a different persona. Everything in the mainstream by comparison is dismissive. This is not some drunken rant.
There is a certain conviction you can carry forward. This is potentially a different maelstrom.
No matter what manifests, I personally believe Gary right now deserves a boat load of credit. Characteristically, that guy deserves the utmost respect.
This is without doubt the Gaffers finest personal time at the club - well done.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Gary McCann by dw15/10/2017 21:08Sun Oct 15 21:08:23 2017

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