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Post Enfield Conclusions (if any)

By rwakeley3/10/2017 22:14Tue Oct 3 22:14:01 2017In response to Hopefully!

Views: 3193

Effectively a quarter of the campaign gone already. The table doesn't lie, it's a very promising start. Arguably the most dangerous squad in years. I have concerns with regards to dependency on one or two players, but that's a given everywhere. Some dichotomy, results wise, home versus away. I wouldn't draw any conclusions on that. More SJP becoming the proverbial fortress.
I presume we were unlucky tonight - conclusions can vary again. We all know how effective we are there as a guideline. We do get overrun. How good are Enfield? What's the lessons learnt from tonight?
As for Saturday, Yikes. That's a definitive conclusion. We've been to the likes of Maidstone and produced something special. I like watching Tonbridge. He doesn't like wingers! I think he's trying to produce the almost perfect set-up. From a fan perspective, I admire his stance. Why he feels it necessary to go on the fans forum and debate is frankly beyond me.
Back on Hendon, our shortfall maybe the loss of Casey, (a bit of steel) in the middle. That maybe the take-away, so it's an A+ from me to date. There's going to be some bumps in the road.
Keep at it.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Post Enfield Conclusions (if any) by SteveHFC3/10/2017 22:35Tue Oct 3 22:35:08 2017

Previous thread: Thank you Elliott by David B3/10/2017 15:23Tue Oct 3 15:23:55 2017view thread