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By rwakeley24/9/2017 01:17Sun Sep 24 01:17:48 2017

Views: 3210

I thought we had gotten rid of it. Not quite. Our undoing. Several out and so not quite on our A-game - does flag up one or two qualms. Personally will cut the lads some slack. Their hard work warrants that. Penetration down the middle rectified, resolved and undone.
Folkestone have Anna Pavlova upfront - Dying swan and all that. Penalty my Snow White Ass. Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake, better flourish than at test match batsman. He wandered for ten yards, arms flapping.
Absent defending on third. We did that at the K's early last season and again same time this season, and again today. Similar goals conceded. Ollie clearly physically not yet there. Niko can light the touch paper. We deserve some respect for our second half opening. Goalie again top draw, Arthur solid. Some fans despondent because of similar outcomes. I think we have a point to prove. There's underlying strength.
We can take the initiative.

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Next article in this thread: Re: Anfield-itis by SteveHFC24/9/2017 09:42Sun Sep 24 09:42:05 2017

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